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Pantac Liner Pad For Duty Belts (Small / CB)

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  Pantac Liner Pad For Duty Belts (Small / CB)
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$16.42 USD
(euro13.68 EUR)

Net Weight: 200g
Category: Tactical Acc.
Manufacturer: Pantac Gear
Availability: Ships in 24 hours

Product Information:

As we all know, Duty Belts are an uncomfortable necessity if you wish to wear drop leg holsters of other accessories on your waist, or with drop leg pouches; This is where the Pantac Liner Pad comes in handy. The Pantac Liner Pad provides a comfortable padding between your duty belt and your waist, woven in 1000D Cordura the Pantac Liner Pad is extremely durable and lightweight, water resistant and comfy.
Total Length: 810cm
Suitable for people with 32 - 34inch waistlines.

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